Request for quotes for Website
Website Redesign & Development
Request for Quotes
This request for quotes for the redesign and development services for a new website for the Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm.
Closing date: March 29, 2019, 4:00 pm NL time
Quotes maybe mailed to:
Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm
P.O. Box 10, Roddickton, NL A0K 4P0
Or delivered to 81 Major’s Street
The Town of Roddickton – Bide Arm is currently seeking quotes for the development of a new website that can be viewed on any platform and allows the Town to better meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors.
Our Audience
Our website has three target audiences: Residents, Businesses and Visitors.
The website will reach these audiences while complimenting the Town logo, it will also utilize recognizable Town icons such as Moose, Green Moose Interpretation Centre, Ashton House, Forestry, Fishing and the community.
New Website Goals:
Three major goals have been identified for the website:
• To provide a resource of Town information to residents
• To provide a resource of Town information for businesses
• To attract, inform and retain visitors to Roddickton – Bide Arm
New Website Objectives
Our website’s number one objective is to allow visitors to find the information that they are looking for easily and quickly. Our new site must be clearly Roddickton – Bide Arm, be clean, and be easily searched by the user. In terms of content, special effort must be made so that Town regulations are made easy to load/update and easy to find/access.
The second major objective is to allow town staff access to all pages on the site and be able to add news content in an easy-to-update manner.
Website Requirements
• Ease of use on any platform (Mobile friendly)
• A clean homepage that is visually stunning
• Clean and focused design
• Subpages (Residents, Business & Visitors) containing links to relevant themes
• An easy-to-use content management system encompassing all aspects of the website, including a training session for town staff. The Town requires administrative access to the full website and the ability to update content, including documents and images, quickly and easily.
• Search-ability
• Intuitive navigation
• All applicable content imported from current site
• Social media integration (share buttons, follow buttons, etc.)
• Newsletter capability with email update sign-up form
• Event Calendar
• Ability to accommodate video footage
• Keep existing domain name
Please include the following in your quote:
• Overview of how you will meet our objectives
• Outline of your website design & development strategy/methodology
• Proposed website timeline from kickoff to launch
• Recent design & development examples
• References
• Detailed pricing, including any optional elements identified separately
• Terms & conditions
New Website Launch Target Date: 2019
Thank you for your interest in responding to this quote with a proposal for our new website. We look forward to your response.
The Town of Roddickton – Bide Arm will not be liable for any costs of prepared or presentation of quotes. Any submitted quotes and accompanying documentation become the property of the Town of Roddickton – Bide Arm and will not be returned.
Please note that the Town of Roddickton – Bide Arm does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any offer. The Town of Roddickton – Bide Arm reserves the right to negotiate with the selected respondent changes in their proposal prior to, and/or as part of awarding the quote.