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Senior’s Banquet

Thank You to Minister Sullivan

Minister Sullivan,

On behalf of Mayor Norman, Deputy Mayor Reid and Councillors,

We wish to extend our appreciation for your attendance and involvement at the Senior’s Supper and Roast to Mr. Earl Pilgrim. We are truly appreciative that you were able to acquire time in your busy schedule to visit our community knowing that you were only in the area last week. It was an honour to have you. In addition, it was most pleasurable to have Ms. Shelley Abbott and Mr. Scott Barfood in attendance with you. Thank You.

Senior’s Night- Thank You

On Behalf of Mayor Norman, Deputy Mayor Reid, Councillors and Staff,

We would like to say Thank You to Minister Susan Sullivan for attending and being the Guest Speaker at the Senior’s Supper and Roast to Mr. Earl Pilgrim.

Thank You to:
• Everyone who attended
• All guest of the Head Table; Mr. & Mrs. Earl Pilgrim, Ms. Julie Nichols, Mrs. Violet Decker, and Mr. Rudy Porter
• Ms. Shelley Abbott and Mr. Scott Barfood
• Mr. Earl Pilgrim for agreeing to part of this event
• Pastor Pinksen
• Mr. John Fitzpatrick, Mr. Enos Adams and Mrs. Mary Adams for the Entertainment
• Mr. Hollis Cull
• Mr. Mervin Pilgrim
• Mr. Andrew May
• Town Staff
• Individuals who stayed behind and helped to clean up

I would also like to say Thank You to Lumberjack’s Landing for the wonderful meal, Mayor Norman & Deputy Mayor Reid , Mrs. Denise Adams and Mrs. Eunice Fillier and all other employees for the work they put into the event to make it a success. If I have forgotten someone please accept my sincerely apologize and we Thank you for your contribution.

Senior’s Night Update

It is an honour to announce that Minister Susan Sullivan will be the guest speaker at the Senior’s Banquet on Friday, June 7.  Along with Minister Sullivan, it is with admiration we announce other Minister’s will be in attendance as well as the CEO of the Labrador Grenfell Health Board.  It promises to be an enchanting event and I am sure everyone is looking forward to the roast of Mr. Earl Pilgrim.

Senior’s Night

Over the next few days, Seniors in the Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm will be receiving an invitation for Senior’s Night. If you are a Senior and you do not receive an invitation by Monday, May 13  please accept our sincere apologies and you are asked to contact the Town Office at 457-2413.