Janitorial Services Quote
The Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm is inviting quotes for Janitorial Services for the Town’s Municipal Building/Green Moose Interpretation Centre located at 81 Major’s Street.
Quotes must be clearly marked in a sealed envelope, “Janitorial Quote” and received at the Town Office by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 4, 2016.
Quotes should be addressed as follows:
‘Janitorial Quote’
Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm
P.O. Box 10
81 Major’s Street
Roddickton, NL
A0K 4P0
Information on the quote is available at the Town office during regular business hours.
The Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm does not bind itself to the lowest or any quote.